Thursday, 20 October 2011

Getting back in to the swing of things

Back at uni after summer and I am getting back in to my illustrator drawings with my dissertation project. As I am basing my dissertation around music graphics I decided to look at creating portraits of musicians. They are still in the development stage at the moment.  jimmy hendrix, bob marley, steven tyler, slash.

Monday, 11 July 2011


This is a painting I did for a friends xmas present of B.B.King, and also a birthday present for a friend of his dog Alfie...being a poor student and all I thought it would be a good idea to put my creative skills to work :)

Monday, 6 June 2011

Sitting amongst the roses

This is an illustration I decided to do just because I fancied it, was so good not to have to worry about a brief or a deadline for a change! :)

Friday, 20 May 2011

Workshop with Matt Croft

Just over a month ago I had a workshop at uni with Matt Croft. In this we learnt about creating our own type faces. We stuck to using a couple if elements and developed each letter from there. This was my outcome

It is something I would like to develop further and possibly bring in to other projects in the future.

Jason Mecier

I found this artist whilst looking through the new Taschen book: Illustration now! Portraits online. He creates portraits out of objects such as sweets etc. Really worth a look as his work is very good. These are just a few of his works, I may even included him in my Professional Context work.

Laura Kalbag and Scott Coello

I had another 2 lectures today from past students Laura Kalbag and Scott Coello. These lectures were very informative about freelancing and actually inspired me to strongly consider it as a form of work in the future. Laura specialises in web design however also branches in to a bit of app design, logo design and illustration. Scott works with web design and animation/video.
Laura's website is : and if you google her you will find her tweets on twitter and her blog.
Scott's blog is
both of them are worht checking out as they are both informative and funny :)

Adam Tickle

I had another good lecture yesterday, this time by graphic designer Adam Tickle who currently works at Work Club. He has done a lot of work with companies such as Schweppes, Coca -Cola, Sharp, WSPA, etc. His work is really worth checking out. He has a couple of blogs:
Things I've Seen which documents, yes you guessed it, things he has seen through photography
His second blog is a collaboration of him and his friends called Things we've eaten, which again is self explanatory
It is defiantly worth checking out :)

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

These are the final 3 illustrations from the series for my publication project for uni.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

These are 3 more in the series of motorbike helmet illustrations that I am doing for my publication project at uni .

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Publication project

So I am working on some illustrations for a publication project at uni. I choose to look at motorbikes and then more specifically motorbike helmets as this is a long brief and it is something that I am particularly interested in.
These are the first two and I have another 6 planned to do which I will post later...

Thursday, 7 April 2011


I had a lecture by Matt the horse today as part of my professional context section of my course, who's work is really good. He has a loose and energetic style. Here is a link to his website as I think it is definitely worth a look :)

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


I had an Illustrator workshop on friday and have continued working on my image, this is the final outcome...

It is nowhere near perfect but I must say I am rather proud of it as I used techniques that I had not used before. 
My tutor for this project was the illustrator Ben Kirchner, who's work I find amazing! I like the detail that he puts in to his scene work and the characters that he creates. This is a link to his website which I thoroughly recommend taking a look at...  :)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Animated Veg...

This is an animation that was created as part of a group brief in my first year of uni...

Summer project...

I thought I would post some work I did for my summer project...
The brief was simple; portraits. From this I decided to look at creating images from photos I had taken of my friends over the summer. I started with images created using Illustrator, looking at my friend Joe and his dog Alfie:

I then went on to create more images of Joe, Emma, Sabine and Samir:

I then moved on to looking at painting images of these four friends and this was the result:

Starting up...

Hi, I am completely new to this but thought I would give it a go. I am Vicki and I am currently studying Graphic Communication at Bath Spa University, in my second year.
I am going to use this blog to display my work and also any inspiration I have, and hopefully it will be worth a look! I will be posting soon so keep an eye open :)